Getting ready for the big day.
We are all coming together THE DAY AFTER TOMORROW! Can you believe it? Our day is almost here. (We’re not crying. You’re crying.)
We are here today with lots of good info - some new, some old.
We have published a series of preparation videos. Please make time to watch them today. There are four in all and range from 3-5 minutes long - easy! You can find them on our website as well as Mighty Networks.
If you have not yet joined Mighty Networks, please take a moment and do so right now.
2. In case you missed it, here’s the link to a downloadable, printable map.
3. As a reminder, here’s what to bring with you to the sit-in:
COVID mask
A backpack with the essentials: a hat, COVID mask, umbrella, flashlight, sunscreen, lotion, vaseline, lip balm, hand sanitizer, tissues, any medications, rain poncho
Water, lunch and snacks
Phone with our map downloaded, back up battery charger, cord
A printout of the map. Please familiarize yourself with the map and make a plan for transportation to and from Here4theKids and a meetup location in case you are separated from your buddies. The color areas and zone numbers are there to help you find your friends
If you would like to make and bring signs, we suggest the signs say “I am Here 4 the Kids”; “I am Here 4 <Your Child’s Name>; “Ban Guns & Buy Them Back”; or “We Can, We Will”. You can also see our strategy and messaging here
Something to sit on
If you are in Denver to grieve or protect a specific person, please bring photo printouts of that person (please make this someone you know and that you have permission to use the photograph)
A buddy and a plan for where you will meet in case you get separated
Printouts of your own contact info, emergency contact info, medical info
We are asking you to download and print out all pertinent info in the event that there are issues with cell coverage - which can happen in large crowds.
For a full list of what to bring and what not to bring, please visit the Action Plan page on our website.
Two FYIs, before we go:
Later today there will be a social post giving more details on our remote campaign – so please check it out!
AND all the information from these emails we have been sending to you can be found on our website on our ‘Denver updates’ blog. For future reference you can find it via Home > Denver June 5 Hub > Denver updates.
We can't wait to be with you all in Denver!
– Here 4 The Kids