Here’s our plan of action.

The final countdown is on. We are FOUR days out from that historic moment when 25k+ white women come together in Denver, Colorado to take power into the hands of the people. More specifically, into the hands of women. 

We are SUPER excited to announce that we are ready to share the details of our action plan with you today! We’ve said it before and we’ll say it again, we truly appreciate your patience as we’ve been working diligently to develop this plan for you. 


We will be gathering on June 5 from 5 am to 8 pm and on June 6, 7, 8 from 8 am to 8 pm. We will all disperse at the end of every day. 

Map of Capitol and grounds: 

Please familiarize yourself with our map (below and printable). You need to assume that there will not be maps for everyone in Denver. Please print and bring as many copies as you need or want to bring with you. At a minimum, bring yours. 

The QR code on the bottom left links to a more detailed map of the area — and the QR code on right links to our donation page. All donations will enable us to better serve you.


In addition to the public bathrooms noted on the map that generally open at 8:00 am, there will be additional designated bathrooms available nearby for Here4theKids participants on June 5 from 5:00 am to 8:00 pm and June 6, 7, 8 from 8:00 am to 8:00 pm. There are also nearby businesses with bathrooms that open as early as 5 am. We will have information about bathrooms at the event.

Community Agreements for White Folx Culture Space:

  • Listen to and trust Black, Brown and Indigenous leaders and community members.

  • Make space for mistakes.

  • Honor our shared humanity, knowing that restoration is always possible.

  • Contribute to a culture that is communal and focused on liberation.

  • Do not deny or debate the lived experiences of others.

  • It is important to respect the houseless community that lives on the land we are occupying.

  • Yield space to members of the community when asked.

  • This is not a space to promote yourself or any other organization.

  • We do not condone any acts of violence, including property damage.

Mood of Here4theKids:

  • We are Solemn but Hopeful

  • We acknowledge that Here4theKids takes place on the unceded ancestral homelands of the Ute, Arapaho, and Cheyenne people, the original stewards of Colorado and integral and active communities in Denver and beyond.

  • Our movement is led by Black, brown, indigenous, women of color and honors the six hundred Black civil rights leaders and peaceful demonstrators who began their journey from Selma to Montgomery in 1965 and their sacrifice and efforts, which led to The Voting Rights Act of 1965.

  • Everyone is here of their own volition. We are grieving, healing, supporting each other, expressing gratitude and joy, and expanding our imagination of what’s possible.

What to bring and not bring: 

  • Several printouts of photos of the person you are there to grieve or to protect

  • Quotes or other readings and songs that are meaningful to you to share

  • A journal, pen, an object or playlist that soothes you, signs

  • Something to sit on

  • A backpack 

  • A buddy or two or three and a plan for where you will meet in case you get separated

  • Printouts of your buddies’ contact info, emergency contact info, medical info 

  • Printouts of your own contact info, emergency contact info, medical info 

  • If you are at Here4theKids by yourself, make sure your zone Care Team has your contact info, emergency contact info, and medical info

  • Make sure someone at home knows you’re at Here4theKids

  • Hat, umbrella, flashlight, sunscreen, lotion, vaseline, lip balm, hand sanitizer, tissues, any medications, rain poncho

  • Water, lunch, snacks 

  • Phone with map downl

Until then, we appreciate you!

– Here 4 The Kids

P.S. Have you seen the incredible piece in BuzzFeed written by two of our co-founders Saira Rao and Tina Strawn? Together they are sharing the origin story of Here 4 The Kids, which will also answer many of the questions we continue to receive in our inbox. 

Speaking of origin stories, we’ve made this illustration of what the origin of the end of gun violence could look like…there’s one your kiddos can download and color, too!


How to engage in nonviolent action.


Here’s the executive order.